The Wind Down CLub

Kellogg's Club Crisps
Project Overview
We identified a key moment in our audience's evenings where Kellogg's new light & buttery Club Crisps would be best enjoyed—when decompressing meets melting into your couch. When winding down meets feeling snacky. So we took some of Amazon's best wind-down activities, put them all in one digital destination, and made a Club out of it! ...Get it? Because... uh, well... that's the cracker's name!
Welcome to the CLub
We created a digital Wind Down Club experience both on (the page may still be live here) and on FireTV. The pages included a sultry unwind guide, buttery lo-fi beats, as well as some lighter streaming recommendations than the heavy drama and horror that people often watch when trying to wind down.
Let's Unwind Together...
How'd we promote the club?
In addition to video content produced for the pages themselves, we also created two :15s streaming TV spots with QR overlays. The spots poke fun at the fact that people often wind down to pretty intense genres.

Other media drivers include a custom Fire Tablet wake screen ad, an IMDb video wall + carousel, and a whole load of banners.
CW: Victoria Spagnuolo, Sim LeCompte
CD: Sarah Betts
Strategist: Simge Okut
Design Director: Joseph Dasaro
UX: Cassie Xu
Design Technologist: Alec Kunkel
Producer: Ryan Cunningham
Solutions Manager: Roey Feuerstein